Monday, March 12, 2007

Post Number 10

You wake up late for work. You're body finally built up an immunity to the plague that fills the air of your room every morning at 6:51 AM. Like a baby waking up after a long car ride, unaware of and frightened by your surroundings, as the numbers on the clock register in your head you kick off the sheets and rush into the shower, scrubbing away that damned sleep as fast as possible. You dress, grab a muffin, and back out of you driveway without even scraping the ice off your windshield. As you navigate your way to work with your head out the window so you can see, you don't even realize you forgot your briefcase.

Somehow you manage to make it to work in time and as you stroll past coworkers a few stand out of the bunch. Its not exactly subtle, they're all wearing fluorescent blue dress shirts with identical matching white ties hanging around their necks. That's not all though. Their behavior seems off too. they're primarily consorting with only their like dressed brethren. You notice a man and woman embracing who would not normally be doing so were if not for their common clothing. You spot a group of friends dressed in their normal attire in the break room and duck in for safety. They've noticed the same thing you have and casually you slip yourself into the conversation to get the scoop.

As it goes, this bright-blue group spent the weekend together in the middle of New York state. There they shared stories, cried together, and worshipped their supreme leader whom they have never seen or heard but are positive of his existence. As you peer down the floor at the cubicles the number of blue seems to have grown, overpowering your vision like the sun breaking through the clouds. So now how do you feel. Is this some enlightened club to which you have missed out on membership or do the signs point more towards a cult of sorts?


Thursday, March 8, 2007

One Cursed Play

Yes thats right... a curse!! After two months of practice, PTHS is just one week from opening night. If we can make it there. It would appear as though a bitter Mr. Rathgaeb used his vast knowledge of Latin to formulate a curse of sorts. Immediately following One-Acts he must have recited these demonic words casting a spell upon the PTHS stage. Right at the start of the play Thomas Lyons, a member of the stage crew, was ascending the wobbly, creaking metal ladder to loft (you know the ladder that pulls out of the wall when you shift you weight too much in the wrong direction) when he lost his grip. The young lad suffered a terrific fall that would have put humpty dumpty to shame. fortunately all of Riley's horses and all Riley's men were able to put
tom back together again. Next up on the hit list was Patrick Van Kirk (Scarecrow). Having gained strength and momentum from the unfair victory over tom, the curse was inflated with power, stretching its evil reach beyond school ground. It claimed PVK on the slopes. While enjoying the extreme sport of snowboard danger came calling. As he traveled down the mountain a roaring avalanche rapidly chased him down the hill. With expert moves Pat avoided rocks and ledges and with a phenomenal speed he was able to out right the avalanche only to have a tree suddenly sprout in front of him. Unable to react quick enough, our young hero impacted hard, shattering his collarbone and sending him to the ICU. fortunately both Tom and Pat are making their recoveries.
Last night the curse attempted to claim another victim and sabotage the production. with just fifteen minutes left in the second act Dan Leva, playing the role of the cowardly lion, stepped on a screw which punctured through the bottom of his foot. In an act of dedication neither he nor the charming Dorothy, played be Janelle Sous, broke character. It was not until the blood came gushing on the stage and Director James Riley came to his rescue urging everyone to "get back, my wife's a doctor" that the acting ended and he was tended to. Dan was patched up and sent to the hospital for mere precautions but I do not believe he even required a tetanus shot. so does the meagerness of this injure mean that the Curse is weakening or did the blood spill on the stage from the courageous Leva's wounds feed it more? how many noble cast members will it take to stand in front this wretched curse before it will allow the play to go off without a hitch? Damn you Rathgaeb!!

Well either way it should prove to be very enjoyable. Be sure to catch it next Thursday, Friday, and a Saturday matinee. Perhaps Riley and Van Hoven should pick a safer play next year. I know a certain Scottish play they might have luck with.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Play Practice

Today starts night time play practice for PTHS's rendition of Wizard of Oz. It's actually shaping up really well. Yesterday I finished reading my fifth Chuck Palahniuk book and since that puts me halfway through his complete bibliography I feel I should write a review of the ones I have read so far before embarking on the second half. new addition to my bulletins, Folio open Mic night 4/5/07 at Caffe Buono. talk to me if you'd like to read.

I feel like leaving you with an excerpt from Chuck's genius

"'How would you live?' asks Mr. Whittier.
If you could not die...
Our role, when he finally told us: We were only here to
suffer and suffer,
and suffer and suffer,
and suffer and die.
to create just one ghost - fast.
to comfort old, old dying Mr. Whittier - before he died
That was his real pain.

Leaning over us, he says, 'If death meant just leaving the
stage long enough
to change costume and come back
as a new character...
Would you slow down? or speed up?
If every life is just a basketball game or a play that
begins and ends
while the players go on to new games, new
In the face of that fact how would you live?
Dangling the key between two fingers, Mr. Whittier says,
'You can stay here'
But when you die, come back
just for a moment.
To tell me. To save me. With proof of our eternal life.
to save us all,
please, tell someone.
to create real peace on earth.
let us all be-

-Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted



Monday, March 5, 2007

Journalism does good

I am currently researching my article on Idol. From the early stages it looks like its going to be truly boring! In other news, God (lol) would appear to be trying to keep Salt The Sky down. With instrumentation completely done we obviously going to start vocals this week. Unfortunately Mike has come down with a cold and is unable to sing. sucks. Well tomorrow we should be filming our video for "Stem to the Clouds." TJ is cracking me up. I am spreading my interests like a cancer and Matt Ritter is currently looking for a title for his blog. Ideas would be appreciated. In still other news, Doc Hett returned an essay from Friday's test with the comment that it reads as if written by someone to whom English is a second language. Yeah, I stopped giving high school a chance.

Got bored Saturday night, you can see the results of it by searching "Fatman Begins" on youtube.

AS always go to March 20...

Pink Flowers near completion

expect a book review soon


Thursday, March 1, 2007

Day 3... No grosso

So she's not here and our "Teacher" (Curtis) just got called down to the office. If anyone asks I'm researching for a new article so if jay or mike have ideas for an entertainment article they'd be much appreciated. This day has been wasting being by insanity with Brianne, looking at funny shirts, and wondering if Jess is cheating on me with Mr. Holmes. WE SAW YOU SECOND PERIOD! umm... continuing the theme of the last few posts... SCHOOL SUCKs. ugh Curtis is back so it looks like we're pretending to do actual work. Salt The Sky practice tonight.



Okay we're back and I'm writing "something boring and uninteresting about American Idol" for my next article. I have TJ next to me singing some wonderful Switchfoot songs. I don't like school. Can't wait for STS practice. We're filming a music video next week. I'll give a little tease, expects cubes, beautiful women, and of course flowers.