Thursday, March 8, 2007

One Cursed Play

Yes thats right... a curse!! After two months of practice, PTHS is just one week from opening night. If we can make it there. It would appear as though a bitter Mr. Rathgaeb used his vast knowledge of Latin to formulate a curse of sorts. Immediately following One-Acts he must have recited these demonic words casting a spell upon the PTHS stage. Right at the start of the play Thomas Lyons, a member of the stage crew, was ascending the wobbly, creaking metal ladder to loft (you know the ladder that pulls out of the wall when you shift you weight too much in the wrong direction) when he lost his grip. The young lad suffered a terrific fall that would have put humpty dumpty to shame. fortunately all of Riley's horses and all Riley's men were able to put
tom back together again. Next up on the hit list was Patrick Van Kirk (Scarecrow). Having gained strength and momentum from the unfair victory over tom, the curse was inflated with power, stretching its evil reach beyond school ground. It claimed PVK on the slopes. While enjoying the extreme sport of snowboard danger came calling. As he traveled down the mountain a roaring avalanche rapidly chased him down the hill. With expert moves Pat avoided rocks and ledges and with a phenomenal speed he was able to out right the avalanche only to have a tree suddenly sprout in front of him. Unable to react quick enough, our young hero impacted hard, shattering his collarbone and sending him to the ICU. fortunately both Tom and Pat are making their recoveries.
Last night the curse attempted to claim another victim and sabotage the production. with just fifteen minutes left in the second act Dan Leva, playing the role of the cowardly lion, stepped on a screw which punctured through the bottom of his foot. In an act of dedication neither he nor the charming Dorothy, played be Janelle Sous, broke character. It was not until the blood came gushing on the stage and Director James Riley came to his rescue urging everyone to "get back, my wife's a doctor" that the acting ended and he was tended to. Dan was patched up and sent to the hospital for mere precautions but I do not believe he even required a tetanus shot. so does the meagerness of this injure mean that the Curse is weakening or did the blood spill on the stage from the courageous Leva's wounds feed it more? how many noble cast members will it take to stand in front this wretched curse before it will allow the play to go off without a hitch? Damn you Rathgaeb!!

Well either way it should prove to be very enjoyable. Be sure to catch it next Thursday, Friday, and a Saturday matinee. Perhaps Riley and Van Hoven should pick a safer play next year. I know a certain Scottish play they might have luck with.


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